****All Tax Exemption Paperwork is Due by March 1st**** TOWN OF FARMINGTON ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 1000 COUNTY ROAD 8 FARMINGTON, NY 14425 PHONE: (315) 986-8100 [option 4] FAX: (315) 986-8199 OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
ASSESSOR Donna LaPlant Email: dlaplant@farmingtonny.org ASSESSOR AIDE Carolyn Keller Email: ckeller@farmingtonny.org Information for Seniors
In an effort to give our residents every opportunity for exemptions, the Assessor’s office would like to share some important information. Now that the state will be managing all Enhanced STAR exemptions, the Assessor’s office does not have the opportunity to monitor resident income and inform residents as to additional exemption opportunities. In the past the Assessor was able to offer additional exemption information when a decrease in income was noticed. In an effort to keep the Farmington residents informed, please be aware of the following guidelines for additional exemption opportunities: In the Victor Central School District there are additional exemption opportunities for residents 65 and over with an income of less than $37,399. Out of pocket medical expenses may be deducted to reach this threshold for residents of the Victor Central School District. In the Canandaigua City School District, the income limit is $29,900 but no deductions are allowed for medical. The same applies to the Palmyra Macedon School District [income limit $26,900] and Red Jacket School District [income limit $19,200]. The Town of Farmington also deducts out of pocket medical expenses to reach the $22,000 income limit. Please contact the Assessor’s office if you think that you may meet any of the guidelines outlined above. Farmington Assessor's Office 315-986-8100 extension 4 STAR CREDIT PROGRAM NEW LEGISLATION STATES THAT MOST HOMEOWNERS WHO PURCHASED THEIR HOME IN 2015 OR LATER WILL NOT GET THE STAR EXEMPTION TAKEN OFF THEIR TAX BILL. INSTEAD, HOMEOWNERS WILL RECIEVE THE EXEMPTION AS A CHECK AND WILL NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THEIR LOCAL ASSESSOR. YOU MAY REGISTER FOR THE STAR CREDIT WITH NEW YORK STATE EITHER ONLINE (WWW.TAX.NY.GOV) OR BY PHONE (518-457-2036). IF YOU HAD A STAR EXEMPTION ON YOUR PROPERTY FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL TAX BILL, YOU MAY STAY IN THE STAR EXEMPTION PROGRAM (AND CONTINUE TO HAVE IT TAKEN OFF YOUR TAX BILL) AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE TO MEET THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS AND STAY IN YOUR CURRENT HOME. THERE IS ALSO AN OPTION TO RENOUNCE THE STAR EXEMPTION BEING TAKEN OFF YOUR TAX BILL AND ELECT TO HAVE IT SENT AS A CHECK [STAR CREDIT]. Farmington Home Sales by type |