Welcome to the Building, Planning and Zoning Department. Please feel free to contact us at 315-986-8197. Office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm for building permits, zoning applications, fee payments etc.General Questions and Submitting Permit Email: cmarvel@farmingtonny.org Inspections for approved Building Permits are to be scheduled a minimum of 48 hrs in advance and only with a confirmation. All Inspection hours will be between the hours of 9:00am and 3:30pm. If you need an appointment with the Code Enforcement Officer or Fire Marshall please call 315-986-8197. Someone on staff will confirm your appointment date and time. Department Staff Code Enforcement Officer Dan Delpriore Assistant CEO/Fire Marshal Augie Gordner Construction Inspector Matt Heilmann Construction Inspector Dave Orians Zoning Officer - Paula RuthvenAdministrative Assistant Carol Marvel Administrative Assistant Lexi Martin**The Town of Farmington adopted new procedures for existing onsite septic system inspections which has incorporated the provisions of the Uniform Procedures Program of the Ontario County Soil and Water Conservation District. The law requires that prior to the transfer of real property, an inspection shall be made of existing wastewater treatment systems. The inspection shall consist of an inspection of the interior plumbing, septic tank (prior to, during pumping and after pumping), baffles (inlet and outlet), distribution box and leach field. A dye test shall be performed, if warranted, and an assessment made of the physical surroundings. All inspections shall be conducted by the Ontario County Soil and Water Conservation District. More information can be found at: https://www.ontswcd.com/onsite-wastewater-treatment
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