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There are NO ACTIVE Peddler Permits at this time. 

Please take notice, that the Farmington Town Clerk's Office is open until 6 p.m. on Wednesdays and not 6:30 p.m. as shown on the 2025 Town and County Tax bills. 

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  • When are water/sewer bills due?
    Bills are generated quarterly and are due in the months of January, April, July and October.  back to top

  • When is penalty added to my bill?
    Penalty (10%) is added February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st.  back to top

  • What if I don't pay my bill?
    We make every effort to remind customers to stay current with their bills. Town code states that water service will be discontinued for non-payment. There is a charge for reinstatement of service. Service can only be reinstated during normal business hours.  back to top

  • I pay my bills online. How long will it take to reach your office?
    Be aware that although funds may be removed from your account immediately, the Water & Sewer Department may not receive a check until up to 12 days later. Please schedule your payments accordingly.  back to top

  • I'm not in the Canadaigua-Farmington Water District. Why is your phone number on my bill?
    The Canandaigua - Farmington Water & Sewer Department does billings for other towns. These include Victor Sewer, Parts of the Town of Canandaigua Water, and Sewer. You can contact us with any billing questions. If you need a service call, we will direct you to the appropriate person.  back to top

  • My water bill seems high. How do I check my meter?
    There is an outside reader and an inside meter, usually found in the basement. To find out if you are losing water, check your inside meter when you know you will not be using water for an extended period of time (like before you go to bed), then check the meter in the morning. Make sure you have not used water for anything (like flushing a toilet). The meter reading should be the same if no water was used. A leak in the tank of your toilet is the most common cause. Also keep in mind that we bill a quarter behind, and the high use you see could be from several months ago.  back to top

  • How do I check for toilet leaks?
    Toilets are the most common cause of water loss. Put a few drops of food coloring into the toilet tank. Wait approximately 1/2 hour. If the food coloring appears in the toilet bowl, you have a leak. The stopper in the tank is usually the cause.   back to top

  • What do I need to do when I move?
    Contact us at 585-924-3158 prior to your closing date. We will ask the following information. ~Closing date ~The name of the attorney(s) handling the closing ~ The name of the new owner If your meter is a radio read meter, we do not need to come into your house. If it is not a radio read, we will make an appointment to change your meter.  back to top

  • What is the hardness of our water?
    About 8.29 grains per gallon.   back to top

  • Is the water fluoridated?
    Yes. All of the water is fluoridated to 1 part per million, the level recommended by the New York State Department of Health.   back to top

  • Why would I see someone from Farmington Water & Sewer near my home?
    You will see our trucks and employees in your neighborhood if we are reading or replacing meters, doing stakeouts, flushing and servicing hydrants or repairing or installing lines.   back to top

  • Why are are there colored flags, stakes or paint marks on my lawn or sidewalk?
    These show the location of utilities in that area. All utility companies are required by law to mark their facilities any time a contractor will be excavating near them. This is commonly called a stakeout. When these markers apear, it means excavation work has been scheduled (or had just been completed). White paint markings may designate the area where excavation is expected. Standard colors are used to indicate the location of different utilities: blue = water; red = electric; yellow = gas; orange = TV and cable; green = sewer   back to top

  • What if I am going to excavate on my property myself?
    Call Dig Safely New York at 1-800-962-7962 before you dig. They will notify all utilities to stake out their lines at the address you note.  back to top

  • Who is responsible for the water lines to my house?
    The Water and Sewer Department maintains the water service line from the water main to the outside shutoff valve (curb box) located at or near the property line, and the water meter. The homeowner maintains the service from the curb box to the house, including the shutoff valve inside the house.   back to top

  • If my water is off due to a main repair, how long will it be off?
    The length of time you will be without water depends on the work being performed. Most are fixed within 6 hours.   back to top

  • When is grading and seeding done to repair damages?
    Grading and seeding are weather dependent. If the damage has occurred after the "planting season" is over, repairs will be made as soon as the weather permits in the spring.   back to top

  • Why is my water "milky" colored?
    This is probably caused by air in the water. You can check by filling a glass with water. If the bubbles rise to the top, it is air. To remove air from the line, try running a faucet at the highest location in the house, usually a second floor bathroom, for about 15 minutes. If the problem persists, call us at 585-924-3158.  back to top

  • What are the white particles clogging my faucets?
    This may be the result of the filler tubes in some hot water heaters. The plastic in the filler tubes sometimes breaks down into granules that look like powdered soap.   back to top

  • My water seems to be running slowly, What is the cause?
    Try to determine if the problem is only with one faucet. If so, it may be a plugged faucet filter screen. You can unscrew the screen and clean it. If more than one faucet has low pressure the cause may be the shutoff valve (located before the meter). The shutoff valve may be open only one or two turns. Or the problem could be the pressure regulator (if you have one). You can have a plumber test and replace the valve.  back to top

  • What things should NOT be flushed down the drain?
    Any drugs, needles, poisons, diapers, razors, plastics or explosive materials should NOT be flushed. Any of these materials can affect the operation of the facility and degrade the water quality effluent.  back to top

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