Peter Ingalsbe - Town Supervisor EDUCATION: AS Degree Business Administration, Jefferson Community College, Watertown NY BS Degree Business Administration, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY US Army Command and General Staff Officer Course, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (Honor Graduate) CIVILIAN EXPERIENCE: 1973 until August of 1985, I was employed by LB Smith Inc., Mike & Joe Equipment and Cyncon Equipment selling construction equipment and municipal supplies examples are Heil Dump bodies, Frink Plow equipment, Terex construction equipment to contractors, Village, Town and County highway departments. I recently retired as a Federal Employee with 21 years of service (Division of Military & Naval Affairs); Supervisor of up to 150 employees charged with maintaining and securing National Guard wheel and track equipment, sensitive communication equipment, and weapons systems. The last seven years of duty, I was located at Fort Drum, NY. Previous locations include Henrietta, N.Y. and Headquarters New York Army National Guard, Latham, NY. In 2007, after retiring from my civilian and military jobs, I went to work at the new Macedon Wal-Mart Super Store, helping set up the store. I continued to work there 15-20 hours per week in the automotive department until August 2015. MILITARY EXPERIENCE: I joined the 134th Maintenance Company NYARNG in 1972 and trained as a wheel vehicle mechanic. In 1976 I graduated from the Empire State Military Academy Officer Candidate School (OCS) as a 2LT. My assignments include Shop Officer, Maintenance Company Commander, Support Group S-1 (Personnel), Executive Officer and Battalion Commander of the 342nd Forward Support Battalion, 42nd Infantry Division Rochester/ Bronx, NY and a second Battalion command of the 427th Support Battalion, 27th Infantry Brigade, Syracuse, NY. My final assignment was OIC&C of the Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site (MATES) Fort Drum from 1999-2006. I have extensive experience in personnel, administration, budgets and local emergency operations. In 2006 I retired at the rank of Colonel with over 33 years of service to New York State. COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE:My community volunteer experience includes past Treasurer and Committee Chairman Boy Scout Troop 60, Victor, NY, 14 years as a ranking course marshal & security volunteer at the Wegmans LPGA. I am a past member of the Board of Victor Hiking Trails and a current member, the Genessee Valley Chapter of the Military Officer Association of America as Past President and Charter member of AMVETS Post 332 in Farmington. Farmington Experience: I have served on the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for 13 years, 10 as Chairman. Eight years as Town Councilman before being elected as Town Supervisor in 2016. Ontario County Board of Supervisors member Currently serving on the Ways and Means and Public Works Committees. 2016-2017 Served on Public Works and Public Safety committees. |