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Supervisor News Releases

Town honors those who served

FARMINGTON – Ever year the public is invited to attend a Memorial Day ceremony at 9 a.m. in the North Farmington Friends Cemetery.

The gathering will take place at the flagpole in the area behind the church at the corner of County Road 8 and Sheldon Road.

The brief ceremony to honor veterans will be officiated by Town leaders, community leaders and AMVETS Post 332 members will assist in the ceremony.

“This is among our nation’s most important holidays as it pays tribute to the men and women who have put their lives on the line for the many freedoms we enjoy as United States citizens,” former Supervisor Ted Fafinski. 

“It is my hope that those who cannot attend a ceremony such as ours in Farmington will at least pause from their weekend celebrations to remember our veterans.”

Anyone with questions may call the Supervisor’s Office at (315) 986-8100 extension 2.