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Enviromental Conservation Board

– Farmington Enviromental Conservation Board -

Important Notice:

PLEASE DO NOT TRANSPORT FIREWOOD - The invasive emerald ash borer has been detected in Livingston, Cattaraugus, Steuben and Ulster counties. Millions of ash trees across the country have been killed by the borer since 2002. Unless treated to kill pests, firewood should not be transported more than 50 miles from its source. This is a NYS regulation.

Current Board Members

Bryan White Chairperson

Kimberly Boyd Former Chairperson

Kimberly Yourch

Matt Sousa

Sonia Phelan

(vacant 2 positions)

Mission / Description

The primary mission of the Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) is to advise in the development, management and protection of Farmington’s natural resources.

In its efforts to fulfill this mission, the CAC reviews proposed development plans brought before the town Planning Board. Upon review, recommendations and concerns are noted and forwarded to the Planning Board for consideration. Areas of interest in the review process include: impact on the town’s open space, impact on environmental features of the site (wetlands, waterways, woodlots, steep slopes, flora and fauna, etc.), drainage, lighting, noise, and proposed landscaping.

The CAC also maintains a town wide open space inventory. This inventory includes written descriptions of open space parcels as well as maps of agricultural land, wetlands, flood plains, drumlins, public & private points of interest, and wood lots.

The CAC also works to promote tree planting within the town. In the past, the council has conducted tree and shrub sales. More recently, yearly tree planting projects have been undertaken with assistance from the Parks and Highway Department. These projects consist of identifying public areas throughout Farmington that could benefit from the addition of trees. Once a site is selected the number of trees/shrubs, size and species is decided upon and the trees are planted.


The CAC meets at the town hall on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Please help prevent the spread of invasive insects and disease by not transporting firewood. It's worth the small expense to buy your firewood after you have reached your destination.

For more information visit these links: